Dr. Tetiana Vodotyka geht an die University of Durham (UK)

Dr. Tetiana Vodotyka, die seit Mai 2022 Gastwissenschaftlerin am Institut für Diversitätsforschung war, wechselt an die University of Durham (UK). Am Institut für Diversitätsforschung arbeitete Tetiana Vodotyka an dem Forschungsprojekt „Memory Practices and Entrepreneurship: Mutual Influence and Public Representation.Ukraine and Germany in Comparison at the End of the 19th – Beginning of the 20th Century“, das aus dem Niedersächsischen Vorab finanziert wurde. In Durham wird sie als CARA Fellow des Institute of Advanced Study an dem Projekt „Looking Back to Move Forward: History, Recovery, and Sustainability in Understanding the War in Ukraine on a Global Scale“ mitwirken und ihre in Kiew und Göttingen begonnene Forschung fortsetzen.

Wir wünschen Tetiana Vodotyka alles Gute in Durham und freuen uns auf die weitere, dann grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit.

English Version:

Dr Tetiana Vodotyka goes to the University of Durham (UK)

Dr. Tetiana Vodotyka, who has been a visiting researcher at the Göttingen Diversity Research Institute since May 2022, is moving to the University of Durham (UK). At the Diversity Research Institute , Tetiana Vodotyka worked on the research project „Memory Practices and Entrepreneurship: Mutual Influence and Public Representation.Ukraine and Germany in Comparison at the End of the 19th – Beginning of the 20th Century“, which was funded by the Niedersächsisches Vorab. In Durham, as a CARA Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Study, she will participate in the project „Looking Back to Move Forward: History, Recovery, and Sustainability in Understanding the War in Ukraine on a Global Scale“ and continue the research she began in Kiev and Göttingen.

We wish Tetiana Vodotyka all the best in Durham and look forward to our further cooperation!